Thursday, September 2, 2010

Adventures in Northern Taiwan

I haven't been keeping up with my blog this past week. I've been pretty busy exploring Taiwan, studying for my placement test, and adjusting to life here. This week I spent some time exploring Wanhua, Banqiao, Yonghe, and Zhonghe. I also wanted to beautiful Baishawan (White Sand Beach) on the northern coast, with clear blue waters, sunshine, rolling green hills behind it, and soft clean sand. I also went all the way to the "Eight Mile" neighborhood with Fat Cat (one of my roommates) to see a museum on archeology, but unfortunately it was closed. We did get to see another neighborhood. Today I went to Keelung for the second time and explored the old port city. I also tried cooking some fried rice and okra.


The streets of Keelung.
Winnie the Pooh
Blow up figures in Keelung
Chinglish on a poster in front of a bridal gown shop.
Smiling Maitraya Buddha in front of Foguangshan.
Foguangshan (3 more photos)
Daoist temple
Market at the mouth of the temple.
Lions on guard
Keelung Harbor.
Statues in a park near the acheology museum in 8 Mile.
Fat Cat (one of the guys in my building).
Archeology museum.
Back of Fatcat's NTU history department shirt showing the different eras of Taiwan's history.
Park in Wanhua.
Bell commemorating Fu Si Nian, a hero at National Taiwan University. He was university president during the early years of Guomindang rule and he stood up for students, professors, and other intellectuals who were being persecuted by the regime. He died after being beaten in congress during a McArthy-like hearing.
National Taiwan University.
Statues of Fu Si Nian (2).
Hiking in Maokong (3).
Taiwanese-speaking parrot in Maokong.
View from a temple in Maokong of all of Taipei.

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