Thursday, September 16, 2010

Placement Test, Swimming, and Yogurt

Today was my placement test. I woke up early, did some light exercise, bought some buns and soy milk at my regular breakfast place and arrived ten minutes early for my oral exam. The oral exam went okay, but there were a few words I stumbled on and I'm not sure how standardized my pronunciation is at this point. I enjoyed chatting with some of the other students while waiting for the written test to start. The written test was rather challenging, and included a lot of tricky questions that seemed easy at first, but upon closer examination proved quite complicated. I think I managed to answer a lot of tricky questions correctly, though I'm still not sure. After the exam, I got my student ID.

In the afternoon, I went with Ray (one of my Malaysian roommates) to eat at my favorite Indian restaurant. Afterwards, we picked up a liter of yogurt, a bunch of bananas, and a pineapple at the local supermarket. For dinner, we mixed these ingredients together, added a touch of cinnamon and said "Gan bei", Chinese for "bottom's up!" and drank the delicious concoction.

I made use of my student ID and bought a month-long plan for using the swimming pool. Unfortunately, the University only allows certain standard swim trunks (my normal trunks were deemed too "baggy"). Unfortunately, do to the physiological differences between my rear proportions and those of the average Taiwanese, the standard swim trunks are incredibly uncomfortable, but they will have to make do.

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